Rolanda von Vestfjorden
born: 26.07.2016
colour: black-tabby-classic/white
father: Zick-Zack am Baerenbach (CH)
mother: Ch. Ornella von Vestfjorden
test: both parents from GSDIV, Pk Def and HCM tested lines
show: 1 x CAC, 1 x BIS
Melina von Vestfjorden
born: 01.06.2021
colour: black-tabby-classic-white
father: Ch.Xion vom Innland
mother: ZsaZsa von Vestfjorden
ZsaZsa von Vestfjorden
born: 11.06.2017
colour: black-tabby-mackerel
father: Ch. Urano vom Kalten Hügel
mother: Rolanda von Vestfjorden
test: in August 2021 GSD IV N/N negativ and PkDef. N/N negativ testet
show: CACP und BIV, nom., BIS, CACJ
Wahida vom Innland
born: 04.09.2018
colour: black-tortie-tabby-blotched-white
father: Zygot`s Soda-Pop
mother: Mirvana vom Innland
test: both parents are GSD IV and PK-def free testet
show: CACJ and nom.